GuardsHub FAQ

Why create GuardsHub?

The answer to that question is one word ‘Banter’.  Social Media platforms are amazing and the big ones out there are awesome bringing so many people together.  The only issue is that not many people, unless you’ve served, know ‘Squaddie Banter’ and calling someone a name could seem very funny to most squaddies (serving or Veterans), but Joe Public (and civilian admin/moderators) may view this differently.

That’s why I created GuardsHub, to give a little ‘slack’.  BUT, please note that this DOES NOT give permission to entice and post images or comments that could be viewed as distressing, or indeed bully other members, there is no place for that and quite rightly so.

Is GuardsHub Private?

GuardsHub is closed to anyone who does not have membership.  Once you have membership you have the opportunity to have a public or private account.  A private account means that no one (unless you are friends with them on GuardsHub) will see your profile details.

After you’ve requested to join GuardsHub, and your membership has been accepted, you will have your login details.

How does GuardsHub work?

Once on the site (after having your membership activated) it acts a little like the other social media websites with the following;

The Activity Wall:
This is the main area of commenting and posting. 
You have a couple of options when you post something:
a. Public: Post something public and ALL members of GuardsHub will see it.
b. Only me: As it sounds.  If you post an ‘only me’ post then only you will see it (good for a reminder to do something, or a note to yourself).
c. My Friends: If you select ‘only friends’ when posting, it will be visible to anyone you are friends with on GuardsHub.

GuardsHub Groups:
Groups act as another area to post.  When a group is created it will be noted as Public, Private or Hidden.  Each group serves members differently.
a. Public Group: Any site member can join a Public Group.  Group content and activity will be visible to any member of GuardsHub.
b. Private Group: Only users who request membership and are accepted can join a Private Group.  Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.
c. Hidden Group: Only users who are invited can join a Private Group. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.

The Activity wall works like many other social media walls. Create a new post, comment on someone else’s post or just click the ‘like’ button to show support.

Can I change my Profile?

YES, there are quite a few options open to you to customise your very own profile from changing your Profile and Banner image, to other things like Skills (these are not set in stone, and you can customise them yourself, for example if you are good at something like D.I.Y, then show it as a skill and give yourself a rating up to 100%.

Other things on your profile that you can customise are things like a Profile Quote (personal to you), the ‘About Me’ section, the Services Section (if you offer a particular set of skills, such as being an artist), a Video (show one on your profile that means something to you), all this plus much more.

How do I report something that concerns me?

Before reporting a post, please try not to take it out of context.  Members of GuardsHub should be BlueRedBlue affiliated and with that comes the knowledge that a ‘Squaddies’ sense of humour is a little darker than ‘Joe Public’.  Sometimes it’s a little hard to read between the lines of a reply, for example if you’re in a bad mood then you could find fault with many things, including a reply that was simply made in Banter.

That said, if there is something that you view as concerning and detrimental to GuardsHub and its members, then please report it to Admin.  Reporting is done anonymously and only Admin will be aware of your details.  These details will not be released unless we are legally required to do so.

When you submit a complaint, please (1) outline the reason for your complaint, and (2) specify where the Contribution you are complaining about is located.

The final thing on reporting is that we are trying to make GuardsHub a better place by trying to create a Community that is understood by one another.  If you find things annoying and are constantly getting ‘wound up’ by people then maybe GuardsHub isn’t for you?

What’s with the BLUE TICKS?

You may see accounts with a BLUE TICK.  These are verified accounts, meaning that admin has 100% checked that the account belongs to the person.  This does not mean that you should not trust people without a blue tick, it’s just an extra level of security.

If you want your account verified, please get in touch with admin and provide 4 (four) current GuardsHub members, who can 100% vouch for your identity.

Is GuardsHub FREE?

At present, GuardsHub is 100% FREE.

Can I advertise on GuardsHub?

You can advertise your own skills and services on your profile.  Please be aware that any skills or services that you list, which infringe on any copyrights or trademarks will be deleted and your account could be suspended.

You ARE NOT allowed to advertise on the main GuardsHub activity wall, without prior permission from GuardsHub Admin.

In you are interested in advertising a legitimate business on GuardsHub, please get in touch with Admin for details of an ‘Advertisement Package’, which are limited.

A Brady
GuardsHub Admin & Creator